"Learn How To Purchase As Many RENTAL PROPERTIES with LITTLE to NONE of your Cash!"
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JESSE leblanc
Founder and owner of Exigo Management
On a daily basis I get asked "Who is your..."
 Private Lender(s)
 Closing Attorney
 Mortgage Broker
 Property Management Company
 Insurance Company
And in line with your requests, I'm giving away these contacts straight to your inbox! All you need to do is simply click on the button below, fill out form and I'll deliver this straight to your email.
Founder and owner of Exigo Management. Jesse is a full time Real Estate Investor. He is a former Police Officer for DeKalb County where he currently resides. Since 2014 he has been rehabbing and flipping properties in Metro Atlanta. In 2016 he added "Exigo Buys Houses", which focuses on off market real estate. The original reason for this was to find off market real estate for his flips, acquiring more properties with more equity.  He alone began marketing and was then "wholesaling" himself for a very short time before hiring on Jean-Marc Destinoble, his Acquisitions Manager at the start of 2017.

He currently has 7 employees and still expanding rapidly.  One of his next employees will be a Marketing Director.  It's hard to manage social media, $14k-$18k per month in advertising, running several businesses and still being here 100% for his team.  He feels with that next employee, it will really allow him to expand and add more value to his team and other investors.

He has discussed moving into other markets but is still building a better model in which he'll later replicate. In 2018 he sold approximately 40 properties with over $5 Million in Real Estate transactions.  He has since realized the true meaning of Building Wealth through Real Estate, and it's not JUST with flipping or wholesale, its having RENTAL PROPERTIES. He has a small portfolio of rentals but with his newest strategy plans on having hundreds.

He has been known to shatter his goals and refuses to slow down. It all started from a part time job of being an Inspector for Section 8 Rentals. He has since rehabbed and sold real estate, created a wholesale business, mentored Investors, buying rental properties without using his own cash to now even being a Private Lender for other Investors with FULL INTENTIONS of expanding his lending business.
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